Only the wounded healer can truly heal –Irvin Yalom

The decision to be a therapist is also a commitment to your own growth.
”Whenever we enter a room with another life in great torment, we will find no escape from our own despair. And we will find no way to hold down the elation we feel as a witness to another person’s transformation” (Kottler).
Are you feeling stuck as a therapist? Or isolated in your practice? Do you want to sharpen your conceptualisation of your cases? Or do you want to be more flexible, spontaneous and creative as a therapist? Psychotherapy and/or supervision can help you recognise your blind spots, self-deceptions, resistances and blocks. It can help you become more creative, honest and brave as a therapist. It is a form of self-care that can be energising and can add value to your work.
A list of possible problems or symptoms:
Bipolar mood disorder
Social phobias
Eating Disorders
Addictions (substances, gambling, pornography)
Personality Disorders
Stress (exam-, work-)
Terminal illness
Loss and death
How to find the right partner
Parenting skills
Teenage problem behaviours
Stepfamily adjustment problems
Family-in-law conflicts
Sexual abuse
Sexual difficulties
Unwanted pregnancy
Lack of confidence / self esteem