Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open and rules are flexible – the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family – Virginia Satir

I have a special interest in family therapy. Families are complex systems containing a myriad of possibilities for creative solutions to their problems.
Sometimes a family goes through a stressful event, e.g. the loss of a family member, an illness or addiction, relocation, birth of a child, adoption, a rebellious teenager’s defiant behaviour, a child leaving home, divorce, integrating members of a stepfamily, sexual abuse or other trauma.
These problems affect all members of the family.
Family therapy is beneficial as the family becomes a great resource that can empower members to help each other. When a family member suffers from a psychiatric disorder, or has been admitted for psychiatric care, family therapy can be of value in supporting the recovering member. Improved relationships, strengthening support, and more constructive ways to communicate with each other, are a few of the benefits of family therapy.
A list of possible problems or symptoms:
Bipolar mood disorder
Social phobias
Eating Disorders
Addictions (substances, gambling, pornography)
Personality Disorders
Stress (exam-, work-)
Terminal illness
Loss and death
How to find the right partner
Parenting skills
Teenage problem behaviours
Stepfamily adjustment problems
Family-in-law conflicts
Sexual abuse
Sexual difficulties
Unwanted pregnancy
Lack of confidence / self esteem